For many of us, the bedroom is a sanctuary to chill and relax after a hard day. But with the rise of streaming services and 24-hour news cycles, bringing a TV into this personal space is becoming increasingly tempting. Having a bedroom TV offers the convenience of watching your favorite shows without leaving the comfort of your bed, but it can also interfere with sleep quality. If you want to create a cozy living space without sacrificing your rest, you may wonder whether a TV has a place in your bedroom. We'll explore the pros of having a TV in the bedroom and provide some tips on making the most of your space while staying within your budget.
Choosing the Size of a Bedroom TV
TVs smaller than 32 inches are ideal for a bedroom or kitchen. TVs between 32 and 65 inches are more suitable for the living room. And if you are looking to create a home cinema, screens 60 inches upwards are the ideal choice.
You can also follow a simple formula:
Distance to a TV (in inches)/2 = recommended size.
Pros of Having a TV in the Bedroom
You can catch up on the news: when you're getting ready in the morning, you can turn on the TV and get caught up on the day's news before leaving your apartment. You may be able to see which roads have the most traffic to determine your route to work and avoid congested areas.
See this guide to learn more about pros and cons of having a TV in the bedroom and alternative nighttime entertainment options.
Watch your favorite TV shows: nothing gets your mind off the day's events like a good rerun of "Friends" or a new episode of "Downton Abbey".
Gaming chill zone: gaming consoles offer an exclusive opportunity to play movie-like games when your decisions affect the story from the comfort of your bed. Needless to say, they also provide an option to play fast-paced games if you prefer more challenge and action.
Placing Your Bedroom TV
If you have a long and narrow room, placing your TV in the corner of the smaller wall is a great way to make it visible from every corner.
Classic TV layouts are the best option for regal-looking bedrooms. You can easily achieve the layout by placing the TV opposite your bed.
Opting for a similar-looking wall-mounted display is also a great way to reduce excess furniture in your bedroom and save floor area.
Does Having a TV in the Bedroom Affect Relationships?
No, it is excellent for bonding. Snuggling up and watching your favorite show or movie together can be pretty enjoyable if you have a spouse. It can also serve the purpose of a Me-Time, which can be hard to find.
What Is the Best Place to Put a TV in a Room?
Ideally, you'll want to place your television away from high-traffic areas and at an angle where sunlight from the windows won't cause a glare on your screen. Feel free to experiment with placement before finding studs and punching holes in your wall.
Does the TV Have to Be Against the Wall?
No rule says the TV in your bedroom must be in the wall's center. If your bedroom is more typically balanced and used for sex, sleep, and conversation, it might make sense to prioritize a cozy furniture arrangement and add a TV where it fits.